
Teledex IP250D User’s Guide SIP/MGCP Part Number 600-0480-6019
SYMPTOM: The device’s Web pages are not accessible.
SOLUTION A: Ensure that the ethernet cable connection is secure, and that the link
indicators at both ends of the ethernet cable are active.
SOLUTION B: Try pinging the phone’s IP address from any Unix or Windows machine
connected to the same network. Type:
ping www.xxx.yyy.zzz [Enter]
(where www.xxx.yyy.zzz is the IP address of the unit).
OM: The device does not respond to pings.
SOLUTION A: Ensure that the ethernet cable connection is secure, and that the link
indicators at both ends of the ethernet cable are active.
SOLUTION B: Verify that the DHCP server on the network is functioning.
SOLUTION C: If you do not have a DHCP server, or want to use a fixed IP address instead,
you need to reconfigure the device to use a static network assignment
(refer to section 3.2.1).
OM: The LCD displays "Acquiring IP Address" indefinitely.
SOLUTION A: The unit is trying to acquire a DHCP IP address. Ensure that the ethernet
cable connection is secure, and that the link indicators at both ends of the
ethernet cable are active.
SOLUTION B: Verify that the DHCP server on the network is functioning.
SOLUTION C: If you do not have a DHCP server, or want to use a fixed IP address instead,
you need to reconfigure the device to use a static network assignment
(refer to section 3.2.1).
OM: The automatic DNS discovery process for a VoIP server (MGCP call control
agent or SIP server) does not appear to work.
SOLUTION A: Ensure that the DNS server is capable of servicing DNS TXT or SRV
queries, and that it is configured to respond with the correct server
information when queried.
SOLUTION B: If the device is configured via DHCP, ensure that the DHCP server has
provided the correct DNS server and domain name information.
SOLUTION C: If the device network information has been statically assigned (i.e. not via
DHCP), ensure that the DNS server IP address is correct, and that the
network domain name has been provided and is correct.
OM: The web browser complains often about errors on the page.
SOLUTION : Ensure that the web browser supports frames and that javascript is enabled.
Although the device’s internal web pages should be accessible from most
modern web browsers, Teledex recommends using Internet Explorer 4.0 or
higher, or Netscape 4.0 or higher for optimal results.