SECTION 9 : Control Panel Features
Selecting USB / Parallel Port
1. Make sure the LCD on the control panel displays Ready.
R e a d y
2. Press the SELECT button to set the mode to 6 Interface.
6 I n t e r f a c e
3. Press the ENTER button to set the mode to Select I/F.
S e L e c t I / F
4. Until the desired port, USB or parallel port, is displayed on the LCD, keep pressing the SELECT button.
S e l e c t I/ F
U S B ( P a r a l l e l )
5. Press the ENTER button to enable the port you have selected.
S e l e c t I/ F
P a r a l l e l
6. After the message appears as shown, turn off the power using the Power Switch on the backside of the
P l e a s e S h u t D o w n
a n d R e s t a r t
7. After a second, press the Power Switch on the backside to turn on the power. Make sure the LCD displays
Ready. Then, the printer is ready.
R e a d y
<--Press the SELECT button to switch between
USB and Parallel.
<-- e.g. Parallel port selected