
TASCAM HD-P2 Owner's Manual 7
System Organization
File System Format
When a new CF card is rst inserted into the HD-P2 a
screen pops up offering to format the media. There are
two reasons for this.
The rst is to ensure that the optimal FAT (File
Allocation Table) is being used with the card. The
HD-P2 supports both FAT-16 and FAT-32 for-
mats. FAT-16 is for devices with less than 2 GB or
less of total storage, while FAT-32 is required for
larger media. For media that is smaller than 2 GB we
strongly recommend the use of FAT-16. Windows XP,
by default, will format these cards using FAT-32, but
this will result in a reduction of overall performance.
When in doubt, format the card to be FAT-16 using
your computer or the built in Format tools on the
Secondly, the FAT le system works best with an 8.3
naming convention. All system and audio les are
named using eight characters with a three-character
extension. For example:
By default the HD-P2 names new projects, les, and
markers using PROJ, TAKE, and MARK name pre-
xes. You can change these four letter defaults in the
System and Project Settings menus. Projects, les, and
markers can be renamed at any point using the built-in
renaming screen.
The name must be eight characters or less
and not use any special (non-FAT supported)
characters. Also the name must be unique:
projects must be named uniquely on a storage
card; audio files must be unique within their
Non-FAT supported characters include:
# , % , & , ‘ , ( ) , * , + , Comma , “ ,
/ , : , ; , < > , ?, = , \ , [ ] , ` , { } , ~