Q. Some web pages I try to access will restart the set-top box. Why?
A. Many web pages include multiple pop-ups or other code intentionally designed to get data
(sometimes unauthorized) from you. These pages may be beyond the capabilities of this product.
Q. When I select the GUIDE, not all data is available. Why?
A. Currently, broadcasters do not provide cross-carry information. They also do not provide data
beyond what is showing now and what is showing next. This is normal. Some areas of Australia
however may have additional information.
Q. After an automatic tuning, not all channels were found. Why?
A. It is highly recommended you check your aerial installation. Digital Broadcast Australia highly
recommends that you use high quality RG6 cabling for all digital installations. In addition, you
antenna should be ‘Digital Ready.’ Some channels like the ABC are now broadcasted on Channel 12.
Older antennas were not designed to receive such a channel.
Q. I get no sound on one channel. Why?
A. Try pressing INFO, then GREEN key to change the audio source.
Q. I want to connect more than one set-top box in my home. Is this ok?
A. Yes, you can do this, but you should follow the installation recommendations given by Digital
Broadcast Australia. (see www.dba.org.au
for more details)
Q. I cannot find how to link the two tuners. My other recorder uses an RF link cable. Is it missing?
A. No. The HDRM series is a smarter design that uses a link internally. No external RF cable is
Q. I connect my USB hard-drive and it is not recognized by the set-top box.
A. Either the hard-drive (or USB memory stick) you connected is not compatible, or there is not
enough power on the USB port to power the device. External USB hard-drives normally have another
power-supply that is required. In addition, whilst your product is performing “drive checking”, the USB
may not be available.
Q. When I go to standby mode, the unit will switch on by itself momentarily after around 1 minute.
A. This is normal. Your set-top box must perform some additional network and hard-drive tests whilst
it is in standby mode. It only takes around 20~30 seconds.
Q. When I disconnect mains power and connect again, the disk checking is done again. Is this right?
A. Yes. Before disconnecting mains power, put the box in standby. This will reduce the time.