Model 432
Operating Procedures
Rotatethe drawvalve sothe flats onthetop of thedraw
valve a re perpendicular to the door face.
Figure 13
Insert the ice buster through the door spout and into
the slot located just above the lower o- ring.
Figure 14
With the ice buster in place, rotate the draw valve to
allow installation of the draw handle. This will lock the
ice buster in place. Install the draw handle pin, and
close the draw valve by moving the handle to the left.
Figure 15
Place the large rubber gasket into the groove on the
back side of the freezer door . Slide the white, plastic
front bearing onto the bearing hub, making certain that
the flanged end of the bearing is resting against the
freezer door. DO NOT lubricate the door gasket or
front bearing.
Figure 16
Step 6
Install the door on the four studs on the front of the
freezing cylinder. Install the four handscrews on the
door, and tighten them equally in a criss- cross
manner .
Figure 17