Models C708 & C716Operating Procedures
Brush Cleaning
Step 1
Prepare a n approved 100 PPM cleaning solution
(examples: 2-1/2 gal. [9.5 liters] of Kay-5R or 2
gal. [7.6 liters] of Stera-SheenR). USE WARM WA-
SPECIFICATIONS. Make sure all brushes provided
with the freezer are available for brush cleaning.
Step 2
Thoroughly brush clean all disassembled parts in the
cleaning solution, making sure all l ubricant and mix
film is removed. Be sure to brush a ll surfaces and
holes, especially the holes in th e pum p components
and the d raw v alve hole in the freezer door.
Rinse all par ts with clean, warm water. Place the
parts on a clean, dry surface to air d ry overnight.
Step 3
Return to the freezer with a small amount of
cleaning solution. Using the black brush, clean the
rear shell bearing at the back o f the freezing
cylinder. (See Figure 60.)
Figure 6 0
Step 4
Using the black b rush, clean the d rive hub opening
in the rear wall of the mix hopper. (See Figure 61.)
Figure 6 1
Repeat these steps on the other side of the
Model C716.
Step 5
Wipe all e xterior surfaces of the freezer with a clean,
sanitized towel.