Model 390Operat ing Procedures
Brush Cleaning
Step 1
Prepare a sink with an approved cleaning solution
(examples: Kay- 5R or Stera- SheenR). USE WARM
SPECIFICATIONS. (If another approved cleaner is
used, dilute according to label instr uctions.)
IMPORTANT: Follow label dir e ctions, as too
STRONG of a solution c an cause parts damage, while
too MILD of a solution will not provide adequate
cleaning.) Make sure all brushes provided with the
freezer are available for brush c leaning.
Step 2
Remove the o- r ing and seal from the drive s haft.
Note: To remove o- rings, use a single service towel
to grasp the o- ring. Apply pressure in an upward
direction until the o- ring pops out of its g roove. With
the other hand, push the top of the o- ring forward and
it will roll out of the groove and can be easily removed.
If there is more than one o- ring to be removed, always
remove the rear o- ring first. This will allow the o- ring
to slide over the forward rings without falling into the
open grooves.
Step 3
Remove the draw valve handle and pin, ice buster,
draw valve, front bearing and gasket fr om the freezer
door. Remove thescraper blade clips from thesc raper
blades. Remove the two o- rings from the draw valve,
and the o- ring and guide bearing fr om the baf fle
Step 4
Return to the freezer with a s mall amount of cleaning
solution. B rush cleanthe rear shell bearing at the back
of the freezing c ylinder with the black bristle brush.
Step 5
Remove the rear drip pan.
Note: If the drip pan isfilled withan excessiveamount
of mix, it is anindication that the drive shaft o- ring, seal
or both should be r eplaced or pr operly lubricated.
Step 6
Thoroughly brush clean all disassembled par ts in the
cleaning solution making sureall lubricant and mix film
is removed. Place all the cleaned parts on a clean, dry
Step 7
Wipe clean all exter ior surfa ces of the freezer.