Models 382/RC25 Operating Procedures
If the blades are in good condition, assemble the clips
on the blades. Install one scraper blade and clip over
the two holding pins on one side of the beater. Holding
the blade and clip on the beater, turn the assembly
over and install the second scraper blade and clip.
Figure 8
Holding the blades in position, insert the beater
assembly into the freezing cylinder, and slide the
assembly into position over the drive shaft. Turn the
beater slightly to be certain that the beater is properly
Figure 9
When in position, the beater bearing hub will protrude
beyond the front of the freezing cylinder about 1/4 inch
(.635 cm.).
Step 3
Install the torque rotor. Install the plastic guide
bearing on the short end of the torque rotor. Slide the
o-ring into the groove on the long end of the torque
rotor and lubr icate the o-ring. Do not lubricate the
guide bearing.
Figure 10
Insert the torque rotor (guide bearing end first) into the
pilot hole in the center of the drive shaft. The hole in the
torque rotor shaft should be rotated to the 12 o’clock
Figure 11
Step 4
Install the freezer door. Slide the draw valve o-ring
into the groove on the draw valve and lubricate the
Figure 12