Model H63 Important: To the Operator
Screen “G” is HEAT CYCLE DATA. The information
from the previous heat treatment cycles can be
obtained through this screen. The most recent heat
treatment cycle data will be shown first; press the plus
key to scroll throughthe remaining heat cycle d isplays.
If a heat treatment cycle failure should occur, a two
charact er message will appear on the second line of
the screen. P ress the MENU/S EL key once to return
00:00 00:00 00:00
00:00 00:00 00:00
TEMP AT END 0 .0 1
Listed below are the variable messages which could
HT Failure in t he heating phase.
CL Failure in the cooling phase.
TT Failure in meeting total heat treatment cycle
time requirement.
MO Mix out condition.
OP Operator interruption.
PF Power failure. (If a power failure occurs, but
the heat treatment cycle does not fail, an
asteris k (*) will appear on the 3rd line of the
BO Beater over load.
HO High pressure cut--out.
TH Failed thermist or probe.
PS Power switch placed in the OFF position.
ML Mix Low Condition.
14 14 Day Timeout Occurred.
RC Heat Cycle Record Cleared.
Pressing the <-- -- arrow key on any HEAT CYCLE
DATA s creen will cause the extended data screen to
be displayed. This screen shows the hopper, barrel,
and glycol temperat ures, and the amount of time the
freezer spent in the phase of the heat cycle when the
heat cycl e completed, or was terminated.
151.0 134.5 178.0
PHASE TIME: 1:20 1
Screen “H” is the LOCKOUT HIS T OR Y. This scr een
displays a history of the last 40 hard locks, soft locks,
and brus h clean dates. Page numbers are indicated in
the upper right hand corner . Page 1 always contains
the most recent failure. Press the +++ key to cycle
through the pages.
The second line of the screen displays the date and
time a failure occurs. The third line indicates the
reason for a failur e, or will indicate a successful brush
cleaning has occurred. Some failures occur for
multiple reasons. When this occurs , a page will be
generated for each reason. Press the MENU/S EL key
once to return to the Operator Menu.
5/21/02 02:08
+ + + -- -- -- S E L
Screen “I” is the SERVICE MENU. This screen can
only be accessed by a service technician.
Screen “ J” is the STANDBY MODE . To place the
freezer in theSTANDBY mode, move the cursorunder
the word “yes”. Press the MENU/SEL key to execute
the command. Pressing the MENU/SEL key again will
return you to t he m ain screen. To exit the STANDBY
mode and place theunit inAUTO, pres sthe AUT O key
once. Pres sing the AUTO key again will place the unit
in the OFF m ode.
-- -- --
<------ ------> SEL