
SV Sound
Chapter 7-1
Advanced Features:
Subsonic Filter and Port Tuning
Your new SVS subwoofer comes with cus-
tom foam port plugs and variable sub-
sonic filter which allows your sub to be
―tuned‖ to even lower frequencies than its
stock configuration. For most people and
most rooms, your sub is already configured
for the best blend of extension (how deep/low your sub goes) and output
(how loud it gets). However, we know bass is a very personal taste and
no two rooms will react exactly the same with any subwoofer.
There are some compromises when tuning a sub lower than its standard
configuration. Installing one port plug takes some capacity from upper
reaches of bass, installing two port blocks limits upper bass ―headroom‖
even more. So while deeper settings will indeed provide more bass down
low (where DVD and music bass is more rare, but quite exciting!), you’ll
sacrifice some total output capacity above the stock tuning point of the
sub (where bass is more common). You should decide if the effect is
pleasing on the sorts of movies and music you enjoy.
How to do it? Remove your grill by prying up with our fingers along its
metal side. To insert a port plug, simply squeeze the foam on one end
and press the plug into a port flare until it is about 1‖ lower than the edge
of the surface of the sub. You can remove the plug by inserting your fin-
gertips into the port flare and squeezing and pulling on the foam plug at
the same time.
Be sure to select the subsonic filter point on the back of your SVS amp
which coincides correctly with your new ―tuning point‖. NOTE: We
strongly recommend you do NOT run a lower subsonic filter point than
your port plug configuration would dictate especially if you are running
the subwoofer at high sound pressure levels.
SVS Tuning Chart Subsonic Filter Knob
Stock tune (no ports blocked) 20Hz
With one port-blocked 15Hz
With two ports-blocked * 10Hz
With three ports-blocked Sealed