
Bearing (bea) The compass direction from your current location to
a destination.
Course A selected route between two locations, not
necessarily a straight line.
Course Made Good (cmg) Heading from the starting point to the current
Cross Track Error (xte) Aberration from the selected course towards the destination
in degrees.
Distance from start (dfs) Distance from the start point.
Distance Made Good (dmg) The distance traveled on a straight line from the starting
point towards the destination.
Distance Made on Course (dmc) The distance traveled on the chosen course towards the
Distance to lay line (dll) Distance to the optimal line towards a waypoint.
Distance to finish (dtf) Distance to the finish line.
Distance to start line (dsl) Distance to start line.
Estimated Time of Arrival (eta) The estimated time of day when you will reach your
destination based on the current velocity.
Estimated Time Enroute (ete) The estimated travel time to your current destination based
on the current velocity and heading.