9921700000 Rev C mkt3048
I V. G E N E R A L W A R N I N G S
Throughout this section, you will find general warnings for the safe use of your dependent mobility
device. It is important that you read and understand these warnings before you use this product. If you
fail to do so, a fall, tip over or loss of control may occur and cause severe injury to the rider, you
or others.
Never exceed the weight limit for the rider (55 lbs) or for items carried in the storage areas (15
lbs). The combined weight limit for the rider and storage areas is 70 pounds. Never use the mobility
device for more than one rider.
Read all instructions before using this product. In particular, you should:
1. Be trained in the safe use of this product by your health care professional.
2. Practice bending, reaching and transfers until you know the limit of your ability. Have someone
help you until you know what can cause a fall or tip over and how to avoid doing so.
3. Be aware that you must develop methods for safe use best suited to your level of function and
4. Never try a new maneuver on your own until you are sure you can do it safely.
5. Get to know the areas where you plan to use your mobility device. Look for hazards and learn
how to avoid them.
6. Always use anti-tip tubes when this product is unfolded and in use.
Before each use of this product:
1. Wheel locks must be adjusted to maintain proper performance. Always engage the wheel locks
before transferring a child.
2. Make sure the mobility device rolls easily and that all parts work smoothly. Check for noise, vibra-
tion, or a change in ease of use. (They may indicate low tire pressure, loose fasteners, or other
3 Repair any problem you may encounter. Your authorized supplier can help you find and correct
any problems.
4 Check to see that both quick-release rear axles are locked. When locked, the axle button will "pop
out" fully. If not locked, the wheel may come off and cause a fall.
5 Lock the anti-tips in place.6. Never seat your child in the mobility device until is fully unfolded
and locked.
7. Use a pelvic positioning belt when the child is seated.
8. Never leave your child unattended.
1. See your health care professional and have them adjust components and accessories as your child
2. Unauthorized modifications or use of parts not supplied or approved by Sunrise Medical may
change the product's structure. This will void the warranty and may cause a safety hazard.