
802.11g is a standard for the wireless transmission of data with a data transfer speed of 54 mbit/s. The standard
802.11g is compatible with the standard 802.11b.
DHCP Server
DHCP is the abbreviation for Dynamic Host Confi guration Protocol. The DHCP server sets an IP address range in
which IP addresses can be assigned for attached devices (so-called DHCP clients).
DNS Server
DNS is the abbreviation for Domain Name Service. The DNS server steers the assignment of IP addresses to the
appropriate domain names in the Internet.
Dynamic DNS
Dynamic DNS is the abbreviation for Dynamic Domain Name Service. This service controls the assignment of dy-
namic IP addresses to fi xed domain names.
EDGE is the abbreviation for Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution. This mobile phone technology acts as an
bolt-on-enhancement to GSM with a transmission rate of up to 200 Kbit/s.
The fi rewall controls data traffi c between a private network and a public network (i.e., the Internet). It protects the
private network from unauthorized access attempts and attacks from the Internet.
Firmware is the operating software of the sunrise surf & talk box.
GPRS is an abbreviation for General Packet Radio Service. The GPRS standard extends the GSM standard in
mobile networks to support packet-oriented data transfer at a speed of up to 53.6 Kbit/s.
HTTP is an abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. This protocol regulates the transfer of data within networks.
It is mainly used to load web sites and other data from the Internet into a browser program.
IP address
An IP address is assigned to every device connected to the Internet (e.g., PC or laptop), and is unique and recog-
nizable worldwide.
sunrise surf & talk Glossary