Part no. 374-90010
Rev A
Make sure the hand grips and seams are on the
outside of the sling. Feed the sling down the back
of the patient, leaving the commode aperture at
the base of the spine. Check the sling is square
across the shoulders.
Bring the longest leg piece stiffener forward so
that it is parallel with the long bone of the thigh.
Ensuring that the leg piece is not twisted, take
the shortest leg piece stiffener under and up
between the legs. Repeat this procedure for the
other leg. Cross strap A through strap B.
Pass strap C up through strap B then repeat for
other leg using strap D through strap A.
Check the sling is smooth under the pateient and
the position is comfortable. Move the hoist into
position and attach the leg straps to the spreader
bar using the coloured loops. This maintains the
patient in an upright sitting position. The lift may
move towards the patient as you do this. When
reseating the patient the hand grips may be used
to ensure a good posture.