Sunbeam’s Safety Precautions
Sunbeam is very safety conscious when
designing and manufacturing consumer
products, but it is essential that the product user
also exercise care when using an electrical
appliance. Listed below are precautions which
are essential for the safe use of an electrical
• Readcarefullyandsavealltheinstructions
provided with an appliance.
• Alwaysturnthepoweroffatthepoweroutlet
before you insert or remove a plug. Remove
by grasping the plug - do not pull on the cord.
• Turnthepoweroffandremovetheplug
when the appliance is not in use and before
• Donotuseyourappliancewithanextension
cord unless this cord has been checked
and tested by a qualified technician or
service person.
• Alwaysuseyourappliancefromapower
outlet of the voltage (A.C. only) marked
on the appliance.
• Thisapplianceisnotintendedforuseby
persons (including children) with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or
have been given supervision or instruction
concerning use of the appliance by a person
responsible for their safety.
• Childrenshouldbesupervisedtoensurethat
they do not play with the appliance.
• Thetemperatureofaccessiblesurfacesmaybe
high when the appliance is operating.
• Neverleaveanapplianceunattendedwhile
in use.
• Donotuseanapplianceforanypurpose
other than its intended use.
• Donotplaceanapplianceonornearahotgas
flame, electric element or on a heated oven.
• Donotplaceontopofanyotherappliance.
• Donotletthepowercordofanappliancehang
over the edge of a table or bench top or touch
any hot surface.
• Donotoperateanyelectricalappliancewith
a damaged cord or after the appliance has
been damaged in any manner. If damage is
suspected, return the appliance to the nearest
Sunbeam Appointed Service Centre
• Foradditionalprotection,Sunbeam
recommend the use of a residual current
supplying power to your appliances.
• Donotimmersetheapplianceinwater
or any other liquid unless recommended.
remote control system.
household and similar applications such
as: staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and
other working environments; farm houses; by
clients in hotels, motels and other residential
type environments; bed and breakfast type
• Donotleaveahotironwithinreachof
children. If they come into contact with a
hot iron it could lead to serious burns.
• Irononlyonanironingboard.
• Anirontakesapproximately30minutesto
cool down. Allow the iron to cool completely
before storing.
• Donotwindthecordaroundthesoleplate
while the iron is still hot.
• Donotleavetheironunattendedwhileitis
plugged into the power outlet.
• Alwaysunplugtheironfromthepoweroutlet
before filling or emptying the water tank.
• Theironmustbeusedandrestedonastable
• Theironisnottobeusedifithasbeen
dropped, if there are visible signs of
damage or if it is leaking.
If you have any concerns regarding the performance and use of your appliance,
please visit www.sunbeam.com.au or contact the Sunbeam Consumer Service Line.
Ensure the above safety precautions are understood.