4. RESOLUTION: Set recording resolution.
60 ips at 720x240(NTSC), 50 ips at 720x288(PAL)
120 ips at 360x240(NTSC), 100 ips at 360x288(PAL)
240 ips at 360x120(NTSC), 200 ips at 360x144(PAL)
Images recorded in 360x240 (360x288) or 360x120 (360x144) are always played in quad mode. It is not possible
to see these images in full screen mode while playing back recorded images.
Recording in half or quad resolution is recommended for higher recoding speeds, or when wishing to transmit
images via a GPRS network for a live remote view.
5. Record in AlarmSet record speed (skip rate) in ALARM record mode.
6. Record in Motion:Set record speed (skip rate) in MOTION record mode.
7. Continuous Record: Set record speed (skip rate) in CONTINUOUS record mode.
Set record speed (skip rate); 1/1x, 1/2x, ………. 1/999x record speed
ex:1/2x ) R -> S -> R -> S…
ex: 1/3x ) R -> S -> S -> R -> S -> S -> R…
ex: 1/4x ) R -> S -> S -> S -> R -> S -> S…
ex:If record resolution is set at 360x240, 1/1x = 120 ips, 1/2x = 60 ips, 1/3x = 40 ips, etc.