
High-pres su re blo wers with fre quency con ver ter ope ra ti on
Blo wers work wit hout V-belts!
5.4. Dis po sing of the dry ing agent
En su re that dry ing cells are ex chan ged by Ster ling or re fil led only when emp ty.
Dry ing agents must be dis po sed of in ac cor dan ce with all of fi ci al re gu la -
Used dry ing agents are to be dis po sed of as ha zar dous was te, as it may
be con ta mi na ted with fo reign sub stan ces from the ma te ri als dried in the
sys tem.
Used dry ing agents or dry ing cells con tai ning used dry ing agent can not
be re tur ned to Co lor tro nic.
5.5. Ser vi cing the ac ces so ries
The ope ra ting in struc tions must be fol lo wed.
STT 800
Main ten an ce 5-10