
4. Er ror and er ror cor rec tion
This chap ter is di rected at the op er a tors of the equip ment.
This chap ter as sumes gen eral skills in deal ing with dry ing sys tems.
This chap ter as sumes that the “start-up” de scrip tion has been read and un -
der stood.
It should be en sured in each and ev ery case that the op er a tors have the rel e -
vant skills.
Faults must be elim i nated be fore the con trol sys tem can again start op er -
at ing.
An alarm is in di cated by steady light of the sig nal lamp “trou ble”.
When the fault has been elim i nated, the sig nal lamp “trou ble” goes off.
STT 110 / STT 160
Er ror and er ror cor rec tion 4-1