Instruction Manual
“FUNC” Button
To adjust the optimal video signal strength corresponding to the length or quality of
DVI cable being used, use the FUNC button in combination with the other front
panel pushbuttons.
1. Press the FUNC button three times. The POWER LED will ash once per second.
2. To adjust equalization of the selected port input video strength, press button 1 once
or twice; SV431DVIUA will beep once (normal) or twice (enhanced) respectively.
To adjust the output current of a selected port, press button 3 once or twice ;
SV431DVIUA will beep once (normal) or twice (enhanced) respectively.
To adjust the output emphasis of the selected port, press button 4 once, twice,
three or four times; SV431DVIUA will beep once (no pre-emphasis), twice (low
preemphasis), three times (medium pre-emphasis), or four times (high pre-
emphasis), respectively.
3. Once you have entered the desired settings, press the FUNC button once to save
and exit function settings.
To select the audio signal from any port of 4 connected computers, press the FUNC
button in combination with the other pushbuttons.
1. Press and hold the FUNC button.
If all four green LEDs illuminate: The audio port and the selected COM port are the
same - this is referred to as “tracking mode”.
If just one green LED illuminates (indicating the selected audio port): The audio port
is dierent from the selected computer port - this is referred to as
“non-tracking mode”.
2. While still pressing the FUNC button:
Press the button that corresponds numerically with the desired audio port. e.g if
you wish to select the signal from port 3, press the 3 button while still holding the
“FUNC” button.
Press buttons 1 and 2 to enter tracking mode.
3. Once you have entered the desired settings, press the FUNC button once to save
and exit function settings