Instruction Manual
Display Resolution
Select the desired video display resolution for the connected monitor in Extend Mode.
The default setting resolution is: 1024 x 768 * 32-bit.
Display Rotation
4 options are available: 0°(Normal), 90° (Left), 180° (Upside-Down), 270° (Right) when used
with the Extended or Primary display modes. It is a useful function for some rotatable display
Rotated Right
Rotated left
Extend to
When using the “Extend” display mode, 4 options are available for placement of the extended
display, relative to the primary display: Left, Right, Above, Below. More ne adjustments to
the placement of the extended display can be made through the Windows Display Settings.
Fit to TV
When using “Extend” mode, if the image displayed on
the remote display is not properly centered, then this
option can be used to manually adjust the position of
the image. Using the + and - buttons will adjust the
image horizontally or vertically, and holding the CTRL
key while pressing the + and - buttons will allow for
smaller adjustments.