8 ► EPX10 User Manual
Select the type and length of bonding cable to use for the
bond and use it as a guide to determine where brazing points
on the rail will be required.
Before brazing, the rail must be cleaned of rust, corrosion,
paint, pits, or other contamination at the points where the braz-
ing is going to be done and on an area close to the brazing for
placement of the grounding cable. Cleaning is accomplished
with a grinder to ensure clean, bare metal.
Always use eye protection when grinding and brazing.
1. Grind the surface of the rail where brazing is going to be
done, until the surface shows shiny metal, free of rust, cor-
rosion, pits, or other contamination. When grinding, use the
edge of the grinding wheel - not the face of the wheel.
2. Grind the surface of the rail where the grounding cable
will be placed to ensure a good ground. The grounding cable
should be placed in close proximity to the brazing area. If us-
ing a magnet ground try to attach the magnet within 0.5m/20
in. of brazing area. Ground should be on same work piece
where pin brazing is taking place.
3. When nished grinding the rail for placement of the ground-
ing cable, place the grounding cable on the cleaned surface
and then insert the other end into the twist lock receptacle in
the Econect unit marked "GROUND" and twist to lock.
4. Select brazing pins and ceramic rings to match the speci-
cations of the bonding cable you selected.
5. Check that the pin holder and ring holder on the gun are
the correct sizes for the brazing pins and ceramic rings you
selected. If the sizes are incorrect, the pin holder and ring
holder can be changed as follows:
a. The ring holder is a "push t" to the gun. To remove it from
the gun, simply pull it away from the gun.
b. The pin holder is threaded onto a threaded shaft in the gun
and locked in place with a nut. Place an open end wrench
over the nut and an open end wrench over the ats on the
pin holder. While holding the nut in place, unscrew the pin
holder counter clockwise.
Figure 3. Pin and Ring Holder
c. Install the correct pin holder and tighten it securely against
the nut.
Warning! Never rotate the shaft when mounting the pin
holder, it can damage the gun.
d. Install the correct ring holder by placing it over the pin holder
and into the circular groove in the gun, and nally, pushing
on it to seat it in place.
6. Insert the brazing pin into the pin holder. The rounded tip
should be facing away from the gun.
7. Insert the ceramic ring into the ring holder. The serrated
edge should be facing away from the gun. See gure 4.
Figure 4. Loading pin and ring
Pin Holder
Ring Holder
Brazing Pin
Ceramic Ring