Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
66 2G: Using the Internal Phone Book
3. Enter the number of the new entry, press OK, then, either press
Options to modify this entry, or press Done.
Finding Internal Phone Book Entries
Follow the steps outlined in the sections below to display entries from the
Internal Phone Book menu.
Finding Contacts
To find an existing entry:
1. Press Contacts, scroll to Search, and press Select.
2. Enter the first letter(s) or the entire name of the entry you seek and
– or –
Scroll up or down to find the entry you seek.
Shortcut: From the main menu, press the up or down navigation key to
display your list of contacts.
Note: Pressing the key that corresponds to the first letter of the desired
entry brings you to that alphabetical spot in the list of entries. For example,
pressing four times displays the Internal Phone Book entry beginning
with the letter “S.”
Finding Speed Dial Numbers
To find phone numbers you have stored in speed dial locations:
1. Press Contacts, scroll to 1-touch dialing, and press Select.
2. Scroll up or down to view contacts.
Finding Voice Dial Numbers
To find phone numbers you have stored in Voice Dial:
1. Press Contacts, scroll to Voice tags, and press Select
Scroll to the number you wish to view and press Select.