General Precautions
Avoid storing or using the mixer in conditions of excessive
heat or cold, or in positions where it is likely to be subject to
vibration, dust or moisture.
Keep the mixer clean using a soft dry brush, and an
occasional wipe with a damp cloth or ethyl alcohol. Do not
use any other solvents which may cause damage to paint or
plastic parts.
Avoid placing drinks or smoking materials on or near the
mixer. Sticky drinks and cigarette ash are frequent causes of
damage to faders and switches.
Regular care and inspection will be rewarded by a long life
and maximum reliability.
G lo ssa ry
auxiliary send an output from the console comprising a mix of signals from
channels and groups derived independently of the main
stereo/ group mixes. Typically the feeds to the mix are
implemented on rotary level controls.
balance the relative levels of the left and right channels of a
stereo signal.
clipping the onset of severe distortion in the signal path, usually
caused by the peak signal voltage being limited by the
circuit’s power supply voltage.
dB (decibel) a ratio of two voltages or signal levels, expressed by the
equation dB=20Log
(V1/ V2). Adding the suffix ’u’ denotes
the ratio is relative to 0.775V RMS.
DI(direct injection) the practice of connecting an electric musical instrument
directly to the input of the mixing console, rather than to an
amplifier and loudspeaker which is covered by a microphone
feeding the console.
direct output a post fade line level output from the input channel, bypassing
the summing amplifiers, typically for sending to individual
tape tracks during recording.
equaliser a device that allows the boosting or cutting of selected
bands of frequencies in the signal path.
Pa g e 25