The Master section houses the summing amplifiers for each of the Auxiliary Send , and feeds the signal via ground
compensated output amplifiers to the Auxiliary Output jacks.
The individual outgoing Aux signals may be monitored on the control room outputs or headphones by pressing the
appropriate AFL (After-Fade-Listen) switch. The selected signal is also displayed on the right bargraph meter.
Aux 2 is normally post-fade, but for flexibility it may be switched to pre-fade by pressing the AUX 2 PRE switch. This
simultaneously affects all Aux 2 sends across the mixer.
All channel SOLO switches are normally a non-destructive PFL (Pre-Fade-Listen). When SOLO MODE is pressed,
SOLO-IN-PLACE mode is activated. If any channel SOLO switch is pressed the SIP LED will illuminate and all other
channels (but not Stereo, FX or 2TK Returns) are cut, leaving the selected channel, complete with effects in the mix. While
SOLO-IN-PLACE is active, if any PFL or AFL switch is pressed the C/Room & Phones and meters will silently switch over
to monitor the selected signal, but the mix output will remain. Releasing the AFL/PFL re-instates the solo signal.
The unbalanced FX Return jacks are an ideal place to connect the output of an effects unit, without using up any of the
LINE inputs. This control sets the level of the signal fed directly to the MIX. When set fully clockwise the inputs will be
matched to -10dBV sources, or will suit +4dBu sources with the controls at a lower setting. A mono source may be fed
automatically to both left and right by plugging into the Left return jack only. A CUT switch mutes both FX Returns if
The three colour BARGRAPH METERS have a PEAK response and normally follow the Monitor selection, giving you a
constant warning of excessive peaks in the signal which might cause overloading. The fast attack of the meters means
that a signal with high level transients (e.g. kick drum) will tend to give a higher reading than a less dynamic signal (e.g.
a synth) at the same level. You should therefore aim for an average reading of +6/+9 if the mix contains a high
proportion of high level transients and a lower reading of around 0 for steadier signals with the Master Faders at
about the 0 mark.
If the output level is too low and hardly registering at all on the meters, the level of background noise may become
significant. In this case check that input levels and gain settings are correct (see the section -- Initial Setting Up)
When an AFL or PFL switch is pressed the selected meter signal is muted and the right meter will display the selected
PFL/AFL signal.
N.B. The 0 position on the meters corresponds to +4dBu at the selected output.
Many professional condenser mics need PHANTOM POWER, which is a method of sending a powering voltage down
the same wires as the mic signal. Press the switch to enable the +48V power to the MIC inputs on channels 1-10.
DO NOT turn on the phantom power when using unbalanced mics which may be damaged by the voltage applied to
pin 2 & 3 of the mic input XLR.
Note: Mics should always be plugged in before switching the Phantom Power ON.