FIVE Monitor Functional Description 4.4
The Channel MUTE switch mutes all feeds from the input channel, and can be
remotely controlled by the consoles Mute Master section, allowing creation of up
to 8 mute groups. The integral LED illuminates when the Mute is active.
A semi-recessed Mute SAFE switch allows the channel to be prevented from
remote muting by mute groups, but still allows it to be locally muted. Safe mode
is selected when the switch is pressed and internally illuminated.
MUTE SAFE is particularly useful for protecting key channels and their associated
FX returns from accidental Muting, or for over-riding any remote muting when a
problem occurs during a show and conventional manual control is temporarily
MMUUTTEE AASSNN ((MMuuttee GGrroouupp AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt))
Each input channel can be assigned to any combination of 8 mute groups, using the
recessed switch bank next to the fader. The corresponding Mute Master buttons
are located on the Master module.
VVCCAA AASSNN ((VVCCAA GGrroouupp AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt))
A bank of 8 latching VCA Assign switches with internal LEDs allow the channel to
be assigned to any of the eight VCA Groups. Any combination of assignments is
possible. When no VCA is assigned, the VCA element itself is switched out of the
signal path, to maximise performance. MUTEs or SOLOs on the VCA Group
Master Faders will activate the MUTE or SOLO respectively on any assigned input
channels, allowing groups of inputs to be controlled together with a single button
The SOLO button is conveniently located below the fader, and provides a mono
PFL or stereo AFL feed to the engineers headphones or monitors or triggers a
destructive SOLO-IN-PLACE, depending on the mode selection at the Master
section. The SOLO button can also be activated remotely from a VCA SOLO but-
ton, if the channel is assigned to a VCA Group. Intercancel or additive soloing is
possible, with or without Input Priority, and solos can be cleared with a single but-
ton press (SOLO CLEAR) at the master section. The integral LED illuminates to
indicate that a SOLO is active.
LLEEDD iinnppuutt mmeetteerriinngg
The channel is fitted with a 10-segment peak-reading bargraph meter, positioned
next to each fader for maximum visibility and giving immediate and graphic indica-
tion of incoming (pre-EQ) signals. The top (red) LED in the bar is configured as a
Peak LED, and monitors the signal path in three places, (input, pre-Mute and post-
fader) giving warning that the signal is exceeding +20dBu. The meter point is
jumper-selectable to be post-fader if required (see Chapter 2).
DDiirreecctt OOuuttppuutt
A balanced direct output is available on a male XLR on the rear panel. This is fed
from a pre-fade signal which can be jumper selectable to be pre or post-EQ, and
pre or post-mute, or may be jumper-selected as post-fade.