CHANNELS 2-7 (2-4 ON 1603)
This switch is a ‘push on, push off’ type. When this switch is pushed down, the MIC input on the rear
connector panel is selected. A LED in the switch lights up to show that the mic is selected. When the
switch is in the ‘up’ position the phono or line input is selected (dependiing on the position of the
phono/line switch).
This switch is a ‘push on, push off’ type. It routes the signal from the line input when it is ‘up’, and the
phono input when it is ‘down’, The LED in the switch lights when the phono input is selected. This
switch only operates when the mic switch is in the ‘up’ position.
This control gives a range adjustment of 32dB [+12/-20 for the Line/Phono and +20/-12 for the mic].
This allows you to adjust the input level to provide comparable levels on all of the channels’ faders.
The Aux pot controls the level of the channel’s signal which is sent to the aux buses. The signal can
be pre-fade or post fade, depending upon the position of the Pre switch.
When the pre switch is in the ’down’ position, a pre-fade signal is sent to the Aux buses. This means
that the signal level sent to the aux buses does not depend on the position of the channel’s fader.
When the pre switch is in the ’up’ position, a post-fade signal is sent to the aux buses. This means
that the signal level sent to the aux buses also depends on the position of the channel’s fader.
The three EQ controls allow you to apply a cut or boost to different parts of the audio-frequency
High (Pass Filter)
This gives from a full cut to a boost of +6dB to frequencies at or over 3.5kHz.
Mid (Band Pass Filter)
This gives a from a full cut to a boost of +6dB to frequencies between 300Hz-3.5kHz (bandwidth).
Low (Pass Filter)
This gives from a full cut to a boost of +6dB to frequencies at or below 300Hz.
This isolator eq design gives an advantage over a conventional eq: the unity gain point is not at the
centre of the pot travel. This gives the user more controln resolution over the cut part of the range,
exactly where it is needed.
A/Master/B Switch
This 3-position switch routes the channel’s post-fader output signal to one of three pairs of stereo
buses. If the Master position is selected the post-fader signal is routed diretly to the booth and
master outputs. If the A or B position is selected then the output is routed via the cross fader.