
VGX-XL1 Living Room Entertainment Computer 68
Appendix A:
Wireless Local Area Network
The Wireless LAN removes all of the trouble of cable connections and helps
to build a wireless LAN (Local Area Network) environment.
This device is equipped with a 2.4 GHz wireless LAN (IEEE802.11b/g
compliant). IEEE802.11g is capable of higher speed communication than
There are two types of wireless LAN connection topologies:
Infrastructure mode which has a network structure based on a wireless
LAN access point. The VGX-XL100 personal computer can act as an
access point for a LAN setup
. When Infrastructure mode is used, you can
enjoy the Internet and E-mail communications where ever a wireless
access point is set up. Also, a broadband network is possible if you
communicate with an access point connected to ADSL modem, etc.
Furthermore, this device itself can be used as an access point.
Note: 5 GHz wireless LAN (IEEE80.11a) technology and 2.4 GHz wireless
LAN (IEEE8022.11b/g) technology do not work together due to different
Note: You may need to enter into a contract with a wireless LAN connection
service provider to use wireless LAN communications when you are away.