Chapter 1 Overview
The BVM-D20F1U/D20F1E/D20F1A are 20-inch
Color Video Monitors. The BVM-
D24E1WU/D24E1WE/D24E1WA are 24-inch
Color Video Monitors. The BVM-
D32E1WU/D32E1WE/D32E1WA are 32-inch
Color Video Monitors. They are suitable
for television stations or video production houses,
where precise image reproduction is required.
The monitor supports the principal formats (480I/
480P/720P/1080I) for the digital broadcasts, NTSC
and PAL color systems, and a wide variety of signals
whose horizontal frequency is between 15 kHz and 45
High resolution picture tube
The HR Trinitron picture tube produces a clear, high
resolution image.
Separate control unit
Using a separate control unit reduces the space needed
for the equipment.
The monitor is controlled by a separate control unit,
such as an optional BKM-10R/11R Monitor Control
Unit or by daisy chain connections. The BVM-
D20F1U/D20F1E/D20F1A can be connected to the
BKM-10R via an optional BKM-32H Monitor Control
Unit Attachment Kit; the BVM-D24E1WU/
D24E1WE/D24E1WA via a BKM-34H.
Controlling monitor groups
Up to 32 monitors can be controlled from one control
unit by the RS-485 serial remote connections. You can
control individual monitors or monitor groups simply
by entering monitor address or group numbers. You
can also execute the same operation on all connected
monitors, or put all connected monitors into the same
setup and adjustment state.
Setup and adjustment with the Monitor
Memory Card
You can use an optional BKM-12Y Monitor Memory
Card to save and load monitor setup and adjustment
data via the BKM-10R/11R Monitor Control Unit. If
your system includes more than one monitor, you can
use the monitor memory cards to exchange data
between monitors. This makes it easy to put all
monitors in your system into the same setup and
adjustment state.
Auto chroma/phase and white balance
The chroma and phase of the decoder are
automatically adjusted with the auto chroma and phase
function and the color temperature is automatically
adjusted with the auto white balance function by using
the BKM-14L Auto Setup Probe, etc.
Safe area display
The safe area display function equipped as standard
displays the important image area.
Expandable input capability
The monitor is equipped with one channel of YP
GBR input connectors at the factory.
The input connector configuration can be easily
modified by simply inserting the optional decoder
adaptor or the input expansion adaptor into the input
option slot at the rear of the monitor. Up to four
adaptors can be installed.
Stable color temperature
The internal beam current feedback circuit maintains a
constant color temperature over long periods of time.
1) 20-inch, 24-inch and 32-inch refer to the CRT size of the monitor.
For effective picture size, see “Specifications” on page 62.
2) Trinitron
is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.
3) For details on the signal format, see “Available Signal Formats” on page 65.
Resolution at the
center of the picture
900 TV lines (4:3)
700 TV lines (16:9)
1000 TV lines
(4:3, 16:9)
1000 TV lines
(4:3, 16:9)
grille pitch
0.3 mm
0.25-0.28 mm
0.32-0.36 mm