
Reading Books
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PDF file*:
XS(80%), S(100%), M(200%), L(300%), XL(450%), XXL(600%)
* Since PDF documents are created in their original size, the
above ratio may not apply to certain documents.
BBeB file:
XS(80%), S(100%), M(120%), L(150%), XL(200%), XXL(260%)
If you resize the text size of a BBeB, Text or RTF file, the total
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number of divided sections.
When you view PDF files in XS, M, L, XL, or XXL size, some
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selection of a word, may not work correctly.
When you view PDF files in XS, M, L, XL or XXL size, the
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certain situations, only text appears in these scales as some
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cases, viewing in S size will retain the original formatting.
Certain image-based pages such as the cover page of a book,
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XS, M, L, XL or XXL size. In these cases, it is recommended to
use the zoom mode.