Managing Bookmarks
SonicWALL SSL VPN 5.5 User Guide
Step 4 Continue to configure the RDP ActiveX or Java Bookmark as follows:
Option Usage
Screen Size Select the default screen size to be used when users execute
this bookmark. It is advised that you select a size equal to or
smaller than your current desktop screen size. ActiveX RDP
bookmarks also have a full-screen option that will display the
RDP window in full screen mode. To toggle from the RDP
window back to your desktop, press Alt-Tab.
Colors Select the default color depth to be used when users execute
this bookmark.
Application and Path To have the RDP session launch an application when the
bookmark is initiated, enter the path to the application in the
Application and Path (optional): field. For example,
C:\Program Files\Example\app.exe (optional).
Start in the following folder Enter the local folder to execute application commands in
Login as console/admin
Check this option to enable console and admin commands on