
1 | Introduction
The Secure Digital Scan Card (SD Scan Card) Series
3 gives you the freedom of scanning bar codes
anytime anywhere into your Pocket PC or Palm
device. The SD Scan Card is a small and sleek unit
with no cables or batteries. You can scan with only
one hand, letting you collect data with maximum
ease and efficiency to increase productivity. The
most popular bar codes are automatically
Product Versions
The SD Scan Card is available in three versions
3E: Entry-level bar code scanner featuring a CMOS linear bar
code scanning engine.
3M: Mid-range bar code scanner with a Class 1 laser bar code
scanning engine.
3P: Performance bar code scanner with a Class 2 laser bar
code scanning engine.
About the Software
SocketScan™ software enters scanned data directly
into any Windows Mobile or Palm OS program as if
were manually typed. You can configure Prefix/
Suffixes and assign an audio file to signify good data
reads. SocketScan for Palm can even add date and
time stamps to each scan of data.
SocketScan Trigger for Windows Mobile gives you
an alternative method of triggering the scanner in
case you don’t want to or can’t use a hardware
button on your Pocket PC. SocketScan Trigger puts
an icon on your screen that you can tap to trigger
the scanner.
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