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intelligent wireless platform
airClientâ„¢ TOTAL 3415 User Guide
5. Click the Compute Link Budget button to calculate the link budget information.
6. The link budget information will be displayed as shown below in Fig 5-12.
The link budget information includes the EIRP, Free Space Loss and Theoretical RSSI.
The Receive Sensitivity, Maximum Transmit Power, System Gain and Available Fade Margin at various
Link Speeds are also computed and displayed in a table.
The Ideal fade margin for a link is between 10 dB to 20 dB for a stable link base on the environmental
condition of a region.
Fresnel Zone Clearance Required will also be displayed.
Figure 5-12 airClient TOTAL Link Budget Planning Calculator
Note: For the SB3415 models, the device can be selected as airClient NEXUS.