Attachment Cleaning Attachment Cleaning
Connecting the attachment hose
to the vacuum cleaner
Pull out and open the suction control dial by
turning the lid located on the back of the vacuum
cleaner. Insert the soft, rubber end of the hose
into the cleaning attachment opening. Push in
while twisting the hose end to ensure the hose is
fastened securely.
NOTE: You can connect any of the cleaning tools
to the end of the extension wand(s) and twist for
a secure fit. To remove the cleaning tool from the
extension wand(s), simply twist and pull apart.
There is no way to turn the brushroll off.
Therefore, when using the cleaning tools it is
important to keep your Simplicity vacuum from
running in the same spot for a period of time, as
carpet or flooring damage could result. If you
need to keep the vacuum in the same spot for a
period of time, such as at the base of the stairs
when cleaning the stairs, place something, like
a flattened cardboard box, under the vacuum to
prevent damage to the floor.
When to change the vacuum bag
and full bag indicator light
The full bag indicator light is designed to
show when the bag is full or when there is
a clog in the vacuum.
The system measures airflow and alerts the
user when airow is signicantly reduced
– most commonly from full bags and clogs.
The light could also come on when
vacuuming ne powders such as our or
drywall dust. These materials can quickly
block the bag pores, signicantly reducing
airflow before the bag appears to be full.
The vacuum bag should still be changed.
The light could also come on during
attachment cleaning.
Note: The vacuum bags are disposable
and intended to only be used once.
Do not attempt to reuse as suction
and ltration performance would be
greatly reduced.