Service and operation
USB Record Player KH 2430
Drag the cursor, with the left mouse button held down, to the end of the
sector (3) that is to be exported and then release the mouse button.
The sector is now tagged.
Select one of the following menu options in the "File" menu to export the
recording in the corresponding fi le format:
"Select expor
t as WAV...", –
"Select export as MP3...", –
"Select export as Ogg...", –
Select the target directory enter a fi le name and then click on the button
"Save". When exporting as WAV or Ogg fi les the fi les will be saved.
When expor
ting as MP3 fi les the window "ID3 tags
(MP3) process" is shown. Here you can enter information
which will be saved in the ID3 tag in the MP3 fi le. An
entry is not absolutely necessary.
Click on the button "OK". The MP3 fi le is saved.
Repeat these individual operations to export further sectors of the recording
as fi les.
The window for entering information for the ID3 tag of the MP3 fi le appears ►
only with the fi rst export. For all other sectors the data that you have
entered for the fi
rst export will be applied.