The Mode switch (S1) cycles through the following functions.
Flow Set Point (StPt)
The Setpoint (0-5 vdc) command signal used to control the flow through
a flow controller. The output voltage is 0-5 vdc. The setpoint
output is defined as:
Setpoint Output = StPt / CAL x 5.000 vdc +/- Voffset (Zero value)
Example: If the CAL value was programmed to be 7500 sccm and the
desired flow rate is 5000 sccm, enter 5000 for the StPt value. Depress
the ZERO switch to exit the MODE sequence and the Setpoint Output
voltage will be 3.333 vdc. This is assuming the Flowmeter output had no
offset voltage.
Alarm Set Point High 1 (SPH1)
SPH1 is a digital setpoint being constantly compared with the displayed
reading. If the magnitude and sign of the reading the SPH1
value, the SPH1 open collector output will activate and pull its respective
D-Sub connector pin to ground (Ref Figure 4 on page 4). The front
panel LED (H1) will also illuminate. If SPH1 is exceeded, the reading
must then drop below SPH1 less the Hysteresis High (HH) value before
the open collector output opens and the H1 LED turns off.
Alarm Set Point Low 1 (SPL1)
SPL1 is another digital setpoint being constantly compared with the
displayed reading. If the magnitude and sign of the displayed reading
than the SPL1 value, the SPL1 open collector output will
activate and LED (L1) will illuminate. If the displayed reading drops
below SPL1, it must then exceed SPL1 plus the Hysteresis Low
(HL) value before the open collector output opens and the L1 LED
turns off.