Department (continued)
• TAXABLE 1 thru 4 (Use the selective entry)
Tax status
NO : Non-taxable
YES : Taxable
• When an entry of a taxable department is made in a transaction, tax is automatically computed
according to the associated tax table or rate.
• FOOD STAMP (Use the selective entry)
Food stamp status
NO : Food stamp ineligible
YES : Food stamp eligible
• GR. DISC. 1 thru 3 (Use the selective entry)
Group discount status
NO : Non-discountable
YES : Discountable
• HALO (Use the numeric entry)
• You can set an upper limit amount (HALO) for each department. The limit is effective for the REG-
mode operations and can be overridden in the MGR mode.
• AB is the same as A x 10
A: Significant digit for HALO (1 thru 9)
B: Number of zeros to follow the significant digit for HALO (0 thru 7)
• LALO (Use the numeric entry)
• You can set a lower limit amount (LALO). The limit is effective for the REG-mode operations and can
be overridden in the MGR mode.
• AB is the same as A x 10
A: Significant digit for LALO (1 thru 9)
B: Number of zeros to follow the significant digit for LALO (0 thru 7)
• AGE LIMIT. (Use the numeric entry)
Age limitation (0 thru 99)
When a department for which a figure other than zero (01 to 99) has been programmed as the age
limitation is entered, the birthday entry must be completed.
• SERVER Gr. No. (Use the numeric entry)
Server group number (0 thru 9)
Every department can be assigned to any of the server department groups. The sales total of each
department group is printed on the server report.
• GROUP No. (Use the numeric entry)
Group number (0 thru 9)
You can assign departments to a maximum of nine groups. This programming enables you to take
group sales reports.
• MODIFIED OUTPUT (Use the selective entry)
NO : Disables output to network remote printers.
YES : Enables output to network remote printers. Modified to follow a previous item.
• OUTPUT KP No. 1 thru 3 (Use the numeric entry)
ID number of the network remote printer 1, 2 or 3 (1 thru 9)
If the number “0” is entered, no remote printer will operate.
• CHIT RECEIPT (Use the selective entry)
YES : Prints the department sales information on the chit receipt in the remote printer format.
NO : Prints nothing on the chit receipt.
• CVM CTRL CHAR. (Use the numeric entry)
CVM (Color Video Monitor) control character (0 thru 255)
• This programming enables you to assign each department with a number that can be used as a CVM
control character. This number is converted to a two-digit character code that is transmitted for use
with a CVM device.
• DATA ENT. JOB# (Use the numeric entry)
Key data entry job number (Capture job number: 0 thru 99)
When “0” is programmed, data entry is inhibited.