Type of Receipts
You can select one of the following 7 types of receipts. These types of receipts are available in the REG,
MGR or VOID mode. By default, the addition receipt type is selected. If you want to change the type of
receipts, contact your authorized SHARP dealer.
• Addition receipt type
• Addition without payment receipt type
• Single/double receipt type
• Single/double + addition receipt type
• Addition + single receipt type
• Double addition receipt type
• Double (addition + single) receipt type
■ Addition receipt type
The addition receipt is a standard type. Several items can be printed on one receipt.
Addition receipt
■ Addition without payment receipt type
Your POS terminal prints in the same manner as for the addition receipt type. However, it does not print the
total part which shows payment methods such as “CASH” and “CHECK” with the total amount.
Addition without payment receipt