
Contents …………………………………………………… 1
Dear SHARP customer …………………………………… 2
Important Safety Precautions ………………………… 2
Supplied accessories …………………………………… 4
Preparation ………………………………………………… 5
Setting the system …………………………………… 5
How to route the system cable ……………………… 6
Using the remote control unit ………………………… 7
Cautions regarding remote control unit ……… 7
Inserting the batteries …………………………… 7
Cautions regarding batteries …………………… 7
Part names ………………………………………………… 8
Display ………………………………………………… 8
AVC System …………………………………………… 9
Remote control unit …………………………………… 10
Watching TV ……………………………………………… 11
Basic connection ………………………………………11
Connecting to an antenna ……………………… 11
Connecting to the power outlet ………………… 11
Using Headphones …………………………………… 12
Turning on the power ………………………………… 13
Turning off the power ………………………………… 13
Initial auto installation ………………………………… 14
Simple button operations for changing channels … 15
on the remote control unit ………………………… 15
Simple button operation for changing
volume/sound ……………………………………… 16
Basic adjustment settings ……………………………… 19
AV Input mode menu items …………………………19
PC Input mode menu items ………………………… 20
Auto installation ………………………………………21
Language setting …………………………………21
Programme auto search …………………………21
Auto labelling …………………………………… 22
Auto sorting ……………………………………… 22
Programme setup………………………………………23
Auto search ……………………………………… 23
Programme auto search …………………………23
Auto labelling …………………………………… 23
Auto sorting ……………………………………… 24
Manual setting for each channel ………………25
Additional channels entry …………………25
Search tuning…………………………………26
Fine tuning ……………………………………27
Colour system ………………………………27
Sound system ……………………………… 28
Labelling channels …………………………28
Skipping channels …………………………28
Setting the child lock ………………………29
Sort ………………………………………………… 30
Language setting ……………………………………… 31
Picture adjustments ……………………………………33
Colour temperature ………………………………34
Film mode …………………………………………34
Black ………………………………………………35
Monochrome ………………………………………35
I/P Setting …………………………………………36
Cool Climate ………………………………………37
Vivid Colour ……………………………………… 37
Sound adjustment …………………………………… 38
Power control ………………………………………… 39
Power control for AV source ……………………39
Power control for PC source …………………… 41
Using external equipment ………………………………42
Watching a DVD image ………………………………43
Connecting a DVD player ……………………… 43
Displaying a DVD image …………………………43
Watching a VCR image ………………………………44
Connecting a VCR ………………………………44
Displaying a VCR image …………………………44
Watching broadcasts via an HDTV tuner ……………45
Connecting an HDTV tuner ………………………45
Displaying broadcasts via an HDTV tuner ……45
Enjoying a game player or viewing camcorder
images ………………………………………………46
Connecting a game player or camcorder ……46
Displaying an image of the game player or
camcorder ………………………………………46
Viewing an image from a computer …………………47
Connecting a computer …………………………47
Displaying an image from a computer …………47
Removing the speakers ………………………………48
Useful adjustment settings ………………………………49
Image position (AV Input mode only) ………………49
Moving the picture on the screen ……………………50
Auto Sync. adjustment (PC Input mode only) ………51
Fine Sync. adjustment (PC Input mode only) ………51
Input signal source ……………………………………52
Colour system setting (AV Input mode only) ……… 53
AV mode ………………………………………………53
WIDE mode (AV Input mode) …………………………54
WIDE mode (PC Input mode) ……………………… 55
Wide screen signalling (WSS)
(AV Input mode only) ……………………………… 56
Picture aspect ratio (AV Input mode only) ………… 56
Selecting Full Mode display (AV Input mode only)…57
Audio out ……………………………………………… 58
Sleep timer ……………………………………………58
Password setting for child lock
(AV Input mode only) ……………………………… 59
Useful features ……………………………………………60
Dual screen functions …………………………………60
Teletext function ………………………………………62
Time display …………………………………………… 64
Appendix …………………………………………………65
Troubleshooting ……………………………………… 65
Computer compatibility chart………………………… 66
RS-232C port specifications ………………………… 67
Specifications ………………………………………… 69
Dimensional drawings ……………………………………70