Storing Network Scanning Destinations
For detailed information on setting up, editing, and deleting
destinations, click Help at the bottom of the Web page menu frame.
Scan to FTP (Hyperlink)
When using Scan to FTP to send an image to an FTP server, you can
also have notifications automatically sent by e-mail to selected recipients
informing them that the image has been posted on the server. The e-mail
will contain a hyperlink to the image file on the server, allowing the
recipients to open the file by simply clicking on the hyperlink (unless the
FTP server requires a password).
To use this feature, select the “Enable Hyperlink to FTP server to be e-
mailed” checkbox when storing the Scan to FTP destination, and then
select the recipients for the e-mail from the E-mail Destination list.
Creating personal books in the Web page
To create a new personal book in the Web page, click Personal
Address Book in the Web page menu, and then click Add in the
Personal Address Book Setup page. Enter the required information
and click Submit.