Jams, clearing, 112
Junk Number Check, 97
Letters, entering, 16
Line error, 105
Loading the document, 48
Maintenance, 103
Memory, 84
Reception, 86
Transmission, 84
Memo recording, 45
Memory key, 84, 87
Message List, 101
Checking date and time, 28
Erasing, 27
Listening to, 25
Listening to remotely, 40
Setting allowed time, 31
Moving your fax, 7
Normal Dialling, 52, 68
Number keys, 3
Number of rings in FAX and TEL/FAX
reception modes, 92
Option Setting List, 100
Outgoing message, 22
Override Ringing, 36
Panel release, 2
Paper jams, clearing, 112
Paper Save setting, 95
Paper, fax, 10
Passcode List, 99
Passcodes for boxes, 26 - 27, 29, 40
Pauses in automatic dialling, 55, 60
Play/Skip key, 3, 26
Polling, 79 - 81
Polling key, setting, 97
Print head, cleaning, 103
Priority Call, 73
Pseudo ringing duration, 95
Rapid Dial keys, 4
Rapid Key Dialling, 58, 68
Rec/Memo key, 3, 27
Reception mode
ANS. mode, 19, 64
FAX mode, 19, 64
Setting, 19
TEL mode, 19, 65
TEL/FAX mode, 19, 63
Reception mode key, 2, 19
Redial key, 3, 53, 69
Redialling, 62, 69
Reminder function, 89
Reminder key, 3
Remote code number, 38
Remote operations, 38
Remote Reception Select, 93
Removing original document, 49
Repeat key, 3
Resolution, 50
Resolution key, 3
Ringing volume, 21
Rollers, cleaning, 104