Chapter 2: Operating the Graphing Calculator
Notes: Immediately after changing the EDITOR, the calculator will return
to the calculation screen and the following data will be cleared.
• ENTRY memory
• Equations stored in the graph equation window (Y)
• Equations temporally stored in the SOLVER window (@
* Resetting to the default settings (@ p E 1)
will also clear the above data.
Expression of up to 114 bytes can be enetered in the Equation
edit mode. If the expression exceed the screen width, it is
horizontally extended.
Expression of up to 160 bytes can be entered in One-line edit
mode. if the expression exceed the screen width, it goes to the
next line.
SIMPLE: Sets the preference for handling reducible fractions.
Auto Fractions will automatically be reduced down (default)
Manual Fractions will not be reduced unless Q is pressed
Note: All the procedures in this manual are explained using the default
settings unless otherwise specified.
Precedence of Calculations
When solving a mathematical expression, this calculator inter-
nally looks for the following figures and methods (sorted in the
order of evaluation):
1) Fractions (1/4, a/b,
, etc.)
2) Complex angles (∠)
3) Single calculation functions before a numerical value (X
, X
!, “ ° ”, “
”, and “
4) Exponential functions (a
, etc)
5) Multiplications between a value and a stored variable/con-
stant, with “
×” abbreviated (2π, 2A, etc.)
6) Single calculation functions after a numerical value (sin, cos,
tan, sin
, cos
, tan
, log, 10
, ln, e
, , abs, int, ipart, fpart,
(–), not, neg, etc.)