
66 Blackline Masters/STATISTICS USING THE SHARP EL-9600
Copyright © 1998, Sharp Electronics Corporation. Permission is granted to photocopy for educational use only.
Steps for creating a non-weighted data set's broken-line graph
1. Turn the calculator on and press STAT to enter the statistics menu.
Delete old data and enter the following data set for L1:
15 28 17 36 38 19 13 25 27 41
2. Check the data you have entered by pressing to move back through
the data.
3. To graph a broken-line graph for the data set, first press 2ndF STAT PLOT ,
touch A PLOT1, and press ENTER . Turn PLOT1 on by pressing ENTER .
Press ENTER to choose one-variable data. Press 2ndF L1
ENTER to enter L1 as the data list. Clear the frequency prompt by pressing
DEL ENTER . Set the graph to a broken line graph by pressing 2ndF
STAT PLOT , touch B B.L., and double touch 3 Broken .
4. In our example, the smallest value is 13 and the largest value is 41.
The logical intervals for the data set would be 10-19 (tens), 20-29 (twenties),
30-39 (thirties), and 40-49 (forties). To set this viewing window, press
WINDOW and set the horizontal axis to 10 < x < 50 with Xscl = 10.
Set the vertical axis to 0 < y < 5 with Yscl = 1.
5. To view the graph, press GRAPH .
6. Press TRACE and then press repeatedly to trace the points making up
the broken-line graph.
7. Turn PLOT1 off by pressing 2ndF STAT PLOT ENTER ENTER
2ndF QUIT .
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