9. White balance adjustment
9.1. White balance adjustment (For details about the adjustment procedure, refer to "Kameyama Model Integrated Monitor
WB Adjustment Specification Vl.92".)
Adjustment Adjustment conditions Adjustment procedure
1 Setting
adjustment exe-
1) Set the unit to the following conditions.
Backlight: +16
Active Contrast: OFF
Power Saving: OFF
Aging Time: Min. 60 minutes
2) Connect the unit with the white balance adjustment jig.
[Command] [Adjustment procedure]
Process mode 1) Send the "adjustment process" code using the remote control.
KRSW0001 2) Set the point 6 to the specified gradation, specify the strongest color as the fixed
KKT10037 color, and adjust the RGB so that it becomes the standard value through negative
adjustment. Then compare the R and G values; based on the result, calculate the Ye
Setting value in the following conditions.
KYOF0000 R > G: Ye = G x 1.05
0SDS0001 R < G: Ye = R x 1.05
SBSL0016 * If the Ye value exceeds the initial value (input gradation x 4), it is rounded to that
value or less.
Multi-point adjustment mode 3) Set the point 5 to the specified gradation, set the G correction value (692 x G value of
MSET0011 point 6/916) (fractions rounded off) and the Ye correction value (692 x Ye value of
Point 6
MG6G ....
MG6B ....
MG6R ....
MG6Y ....
Point 5
MG5G ....
MG5B ....
MG5R ....
MG5Y ....
Point 4
MG4G ....
MG4B ....
MG4R ....
MG4Y ....
Point 3
MG3G ....
MG3B ....
MG3R ....
MG3Y ....
Point 2
MG2G ....
MG2B ....
MG2R ....
MG2Y ....
Point 1
MG1G ....
MG1B ....
MG1R ....
MG1Y ....
point 6/916) (fractions rounded off), and adjust the RB so that it becomes the stan-
dard value.
4) Set the point 4 to the specified gradation, set the G correction value (532 x G value of
point 6/916) (fractions rounded off) and the Ye correction value (532 x Ye value of
point 6/916) (fractions rounded off), and adjust the RB so that it becomes the stan-
dard value.
5) Set the point 3 to the specified gradation, set the G correction value (464 x G value of
point 6/916) (fractions rounded off) and the Ye correction value (464 x Ye value of
point 6/916) (fractions rounded off), and adjust the RB so that it becomes the stan-
dard value.
6) Set the point 2 to the specified gradation, set the G correction value (296 x G value of
point 6/916) (fractions rounded off) and the Ye correction value (296 x Ye value of
point 6/916) (fractions rounded off), and adjust the RB pattern so that it becomes the
standard value.
7) Set the point 1 to the specified gradation, set the G correction value (180 x G value of
point 6/916) (fractions rounded off) and the Ye correction value (180 x Ye value of
point 6/916) (fractions rounded off), and adjust the RB so that it becomes the stan-
dard value.
8) Write the adjustment value by the MSET0003 command and turn off the AC power.
* RGB initial value of point 6: Set gradation 916
* RGB initial value of points 1 to 5: G correction value of each point
(At each point, make adjustment so that the remainder of the RGB adjustment value/
4 is equal.)
[Adjustment value]
* According to the "Standard settings" submitted by the Technical Department
[LC52LE920UN] LE920 model teaching set