Useful adjustment settings
Your TV is equipped with an internal Closed Caption
decoder. It allows you to view conversations, narration
and sound effects as subtitles on your TV. Closed
Captions are available on some TV programs and on
some VHS home video tapes at the discretion of the
program provider.
Digital Closed Caption service is a new caption service
available only on digital TV programs (also at the
discretion of the service provide0. It is a more flexible
system than the original Closed Caption system,
because it allows for a variety of caption sizes and font
styles. When the Digital Closed Caption service is in
use, it will be indicated by the appearance of a 3-letter
abbreviation that also indicates the language of the
Digital Closed Captions: ENG (English), SPA (Spanish),
FRA (French) or other language codes.
Not all programs and VHS videotapes offer closed
captions. Please look for the "[_]" symbol to ensure
that captions will be shown.
In the Closed Caption system, there can be more than
one caption service provided. Each is identified by its
own number. The "CC1" and "002" services display
subtitles of TV programs superimposed over the
program's picture.
In the Closed Caption system, the "Text1" or "Text2"
services display text that is unrelated to the program
being viewed (e.g., weather or news). These services
are also superimposed over the program currently
being viewed.
Press CO.
,, This will present the Closed Caption information
Press CC while the Closed Caption information
is still on the screen.
,, Press repeatedlyuntilyou select the desired
closed captionservice.
Closed Caption
,, Dependingonthe numberof caption services[n
the signalbeingreceived,you will seeinformation
such as 1/2 or 1/4 displayed.
1/2 means"the first oftwo services".
if a programhasthree services(DigitalCC(ENG),
CC1 andText1),the closedcaptiondisplaywill
toggle [nthis sequence:
,, TheCC button keeps a recordof the lastservice
selected[nits memory.
if thelastclosed caption mode (e.g.1/3ENG)you
selected[snot availablefor the next program,or
on anotherchannel,the closed captionservice
thatis availableisautomaticallyselected,and this
serviceappears [nparentheses,e.g. "1/3(CC1)".
ClosedCaption servicesthat appear in
parentheseswill not bestored [nthe CCbutton's
memoryas your lastselectedservice. Only
servicesthat you haveselectedwith the CC
button arestored.
In a case where there are two closed caption
services provided, (for instance, Digital
CC(ENG) and CO1), and Digital CC(ENG)
is displayed as your current selection, if
Digital CC(ENG) is not broadcast for the next
program, the other closed caption service,
OO1, will be displayed in parentheses.
A closed caption service appears in
parentheses because the service you selected
is not available and a different service is
displayed on your screen. "1/1 (CC1)" is
displayed instead of "I/2/ENG".
,, See page 40 for detailed closed caption settings.
,, When the program contains no closed caption, "--"
displays in the closed caption information.
,, If the language code, e.g. "ENG", [s not found on Digital TV
programs, ''-_''will be shown.
Four kinds of closed caption service (CC1, CC2, Text1,
Text2) are potentially available, but a broadcast may contain
none or only some of these services at the discretion of the
program provider.
Q- 39