
CY84 03/08 Assembly Section 3-6
© 2008 Alamo Group Inc.
Shields, Guards, and Deflectors
Shields, Guards, and Deflectors are provided for the protection of the operator and bystanders. The
Manufacturer strongly recommends the use of Protective Shielding at all times. Do not operate the machine
without Shields in place.
Make certain that all Driveline Shields are installed and turn freely and that the tractor PTO shield is replaced
before starting the PTO. Attach the other chains on shields to mower and to tractor to prevent shield rotation.
Rubber Fabric Deflectors (Standard Equipment)
Front Deflector (Figure Asm-0040)
1. Attach the front Bracket (1) to the front mower
with 4 - 1/2" x 3" Bolts (5), Locknuts (6), and
washers (7).
2. Attach the front Deflector to the Bracket with
Strap (3), 3/8" x 1-1/2" Bolts (6), and Locknuts
Rear Chain Guards (Figure Asm-0041)
Attach the Right Guard Mounting Plate (1) & the
Left Chain Guard Mounting Plate (2) to the mower
with 1/2" x 1-1/2" Bolts (3), Flatwashers (4) and
Locknuts (5). Then attach Deflectors (6) and Bar
Strap (7) to Mounting Plates with 1/2" x 1-1/2"
bolts(8) Flatwashers(9) and Locknuts (10). Fasten
Side Rear Chain Guard (11) to Chain Guard
Mounting Plates (1&2) with 1/2" x 1-1/4" bolts (12)
Flatwashers (13) and Locknuts (14).