(Dry,Heat,Fan)Mode Lights: Water Full Flashing Light/Audible Alarm:
Upon selecting e mode, a solid green light (window)
illuminates adjacent to the modet selected, Under the
"Dry = and "Heat" mode (only) this light also serves to
identify the operational status of the selected
(compressor/heater) program. (see below)
A "solid" green llght indicates the compressor cycled "on"
and is operalJonal.
A "flashlng" green light indicates the compressor cycled
"off" and is non-operal_onel. The fan motor will continue
to operate (fleahing green light condition) even after the
compressor has eycled off. This is a normal condition.
A"solid" green light indicates the heating element cycled
"on" and is operational. A"flaahlng 't green light
indicates the heating element cycled "off'. Both heater
and fan motor will not be operationat during this (flashing
greeq, light) condition.
Fan Mode:
Since there are no controlled settings/options in this
mode, ether than fan speed, (high/low) the solid green
light remains on at all times until the mode is changed
and/or the unit is switched off.
Dry Level Mode Lights'
(Continuous, 5o%, 60%, 70%, 80%):
A solid green light (window) illuminates adjacent to the
RH% level selected.
Fan Speed Selection:
Two fan speeds ere available in ell operating modes,
"High/Low" identified by a solid green light (window)
adjacent to the mode selected,
Dry Mode:
The water full light flashes continuously and an audible
alarm will sound (8 beeps) to notify you when the water
tank is full end/or is not propedy positioned inside the
cabinet, The dehumidifier will cease (stop) ell operation
automatically, during this condition, (This is e safety
Heat & Fan Mode;
The water full light and audible alarm operate in the same
basic manner described in the "DRY" mode (above).
However, the significant difference being both the "Heater
& Fan" will continue to operate under a (full water tank)
flashing light condition. Since no dehumiditylng occurs
during these modes. However, switching beck to the
"DRY _ mode will immediately atop any dehumidifying