Menu Options >>
This sets the size of the image that will be captured.
[ ] 4288 x 3216
[ ] 3264 x 2448
[ ] 2304 x 1728
[ ] 1600 x 1200
[ ] 640 x 480
This sets the sensitivity for capturing images. When the sensitivity is raised (and
the ISO figure is increased), photography will become possible even in dark
locations, but the more pixelated (grainier) the image will appear.
* Auto / 64 / 100 / 200 / 400 / 800 / 3200
This sets the quality (compression) at which the image is captured. A higher
quality setting will result in less compression and larger image files.
[ ] Fine
[ ] Standard
[ ] Economy
White Balance
This sets the white balance for a variety of lighting conditions and permits
images to be captured that approach the conditions that are seen by the
human eye.
* [ ] Auto
* [ ] BluWtr<25ft (Blue Water less than 25ft depth). This mode is ideal
for shallow diving in “blue” water.
* [ ] BluWtr>25ft (Blue Water greater than 25ft depth). This mode is
ideal for deeper diving in “blue” water.
* [ ] GrnWtr<25ft (Green Water less than 25ft depth). This mode is
ideal for snorkeling or shallow diving in “greener” water with
higher algae content.
[ ] GrnWtr>25ft (Green Water greater than 25ft depth). This mode
is ideal for deeper diving in “greener” water with higher algae