
Scene It?® elements ™ and © Screenlife, LLC. All Rights Reserved. TM & © 2009 Summit Entertainment, LLC.
How to Host a Scene It?
Twilight Movie Tournament
Find out who is the real Twilight movie trivia champ by competing
with your friends in a Scene It? Twilight tournament!
Note: Be sure to have a Twilight-themed prize on hand for the
tournament winner. A Twilight DVD, a Scene It? Twilight game
or some other Twilight item that will motivate your guests to
play their best!
How to conduct the tournament:
Divide your party into two groups. It might be fun to give
the groups Twilight-themed names such as Team Edward and
Team Jacob! Each group will play separate rounds of the game.
N: For each round, you can play a full game of Scene It?
Twilight (by selecting a game from the Select a Game Menu),
or you can decide on a number of questions per round from
the Shue Play mode. It’s up to you!
Have the rst group play one round from the Scene It? Twilight
game disc. e winner from this group will be declared a nalist.
Have the second group play a dierent round from the Scene It?
Twilight game disc. e winner from this group will also
be declared a nalist.
e two nalists will compete against each other in a third
round to see who is the ultimate Twilight trivia champion!