Console Display If Console only has partial display and all connections
are fine, replace the Console.
If the above steps do not resolve the problem, contact
Customer Care for further assistance.
HR cable connection at Console Make sure cable is connected securely to Console.
HR cable box connection (recumbent only)
Make sure cables from handlebars and cable to
Console aresecure andundamaged. Somemodels may
require the seat back be raised to access cable box.
Sensor grip
Make sure hands are centered on HR sensors. Hands
must be kept still with relatively equal pressure
applied to each side.
Dry or calloused hands
Sensors may have difficulty with dried out or calloused
hands. A conductive electrode cream such as
SIGNACREME® or Buh-Bump™ can help make better
conduct. These are available on the web or at medical
or some larger fitness stores.
Handlebars (recumbent only)
If tests reveal no other issues, Handlebars should be
Unit operates but Contact HR not displayed
Console (upright only) If tests reveal no other issues, Console should be
Check data cable integrity
All wires in cable should be intact. If any are cut or
crimped, replace cable.
Check data cable connections/orientation
Insure cable is connected securely and oriented
properly. Small latch on connector should line up and
snap into place.
Console displays "E2" error code
Console Electronics If tests reveal no other issues, Console should be
Check data cable integrity
All wires in cable should be intact. If any are cut or
crimped, replace cable.
Check data cable connections/orientation
Insure cable is connected securely and oriented
properly. Small latch on connector should line up and
snap into place.
Check magnet position (requires shroud removal)
Magnet should be in place on flywheel. If no magnet
is present, replace the flywheel or the entire base unit
(if unable to replace flywheel).
No speed/RPM reading, Console displays "Pedal" error
Check RPM Sensor (requires shroud removal)
RPM sensor should be aligned with magnet and
connected to data cable. Realign sensor if necessary.
Replace if there is any damage to the sensor or the
connecting wire.
Check data cable integrity
All wires in the cable should be intact. If any are cut
or crimped, replace cable.
Check data cable connections/orientation
Insure cable is connected securely and oriented
properly. Small latch on connector should line up and
snap into place.
Reset Machine (if equipped with reset button)
Unplug unit from electrical outlet for 3 minutes.
Reconnect to outlet. After the Console powers up,
press "reset".
If bike has batteries, check Battery Level icon on
console or check batteries.
If the battery level shows low or no power, replace
the batteries.
Check magnet position (requires shroud removal)
Magnet should be in place on flywheel. If no magnet
is present, replace flywheel or entire base unit.
Console shuts off (enters sleep mode) while in use
Check RPM Sensor Contact Customer Care for further assistance.