© 2011 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved.
63230-500-225A2 PowerLogic
Series 800 Power Meter
3/2011 Chapter 3—Operation
ALARM (Alarms) Setup
There is an extensive list of meter error conditions
which can be monitored and cause an alarm.
1. Perform steps 1 through 5 of the SETUP MODE
Access procedure on page 11.
2. Press
###: until ALARM is visible.
3. Press ALARM.
4. Press
<- or -> to select the alarm option you
want to edit.
5. Press EDIT.
6. Select to ENABL (enable) or DISAB (disable)
the alarm.
7. Press OK.
8. Select the PR (priority): NONE, HIGH, MED, or
9. Press OK.
10. Select how the alarm values are displayed:
ABSOL (absolute value) or RELAT (percentage
relative to the running average).
11. Enter the PU VALUE (pick-up value).
12. Press OK.
13. Enter the PU DELAY (pick-up delay).
14. Press OK.
15. Enter the DO VALUE (drop-out value).
16. Press OK.
17. Enter the DO DELAY (drop-out delay).
18. Press OK.
19. Press
1; to return to the alarm summary
20. Press
1; to return to the SETUP MODE screen.
21. At the SETUP MODE screen, continue
programming additional setup features or
1; until you are asked to save changes.
22. Press YES to save the changes.